Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome Back...Reverse Karma

So, I have once again decided to try and bring this back from the dead...who knows if it will work. However, the last post (see below) was me ripping Jose Reyes. Since that point he has been great baseball. One of the best players in the game as a matter of fact. Go take a look at his stats and tell me I am wrong.

Anyways, this ass-chewing is going to the Mets bullpenn. It's worse than bad, its a goddamned disgrace...why can't they just give up one run? or even two? Instead they give up runs so they game is out of reach. It's infuriating to say the least and I have no confidence in them at all. None.

Lets go reverse karma and lets get this baby back on track it.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jose Over-Reyes

I've had enough of it, and the whole world needs to start recognizing this fact.
Jose Reyes is fucking totally over-rated, and he is one of the most brain-dead baseball players in all of Major League Baseball.

The guy may turn out to be one of the great Mets in history and has a ceiling that can't even be touched...but presently...this guy is totally pathetic (he is currently on a 10-game hitting streak too)...

He can't do a god-damned thing with out fucking up another. I blame him for Friday nights loss, and he is the reason the Mets are losing 3-1 in the bottom of the 5th presently.

On Friday, after Matt Holliday homered on a 95 mph heater below the knees thrown by Bill Wags, Reyes led off the 10th with a hustle double. Then, with Luis "the best thing I do is bunt" Castillo at the plate to bunt, he proceeds to get picked off of second base. Are you serious?
Today, he loafs to a mindless 6-4-3 double play ball, lets it go through his legs, and Maine gives up a three-run homer (the only hit of the game thus far).
In the Atlanta debacle, Jose attempted to steal second after a lead off single with the Mets down 4-0 and was thrown out. Earlier in the year against the Nats he tried to go first to third on a ground out and was caught doing that.
He puts together a great at-bat followed by an "AB" where he pops up a first pitch change up with a guy on base. It sickens me (As I type, Maine just reached on an error, and Reyes swung at the first pitch and did not advance the runner...he also got picked off of first base earlier today. And he just "forgot" to break up a double play as well.).
I hope others really start to recognize this, and I want to apologize to anyone that I laughed at when they told me they had a better shortstop. Especially Yankee fans and Ian Law. Presently, Reyes cannot hold the jock of Derek Jeter or Jimmy Rollins.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let's get this party started again...

Well it's been about...well...who the fuck knows how long its been...too long...I let a small thing deter me/us from a good thing and I will not allow that to happen.

We had a good thing going here at UNCENSORED BANTER and we just let it roll away into the darkness...

I read things on Busted Coverage and Deadspin and other damn good blogs and I think, you know what? I could do just as good as this...better put...WE could do just as good as this (I think it has also been the fact that the Mets are playing like a bunch of little league softball players and I need somewhere to stick my random thoughts when I am at home jerking off to the college girls I don't hit on).

When we were rockin' out we had live blogs, links, stories, and some funny stuff on here, and there is no reason that can't continue...We need to learn a lesson (i.e. no specifics from work if you have serious job), and grow from it...

I am gonna rock out until someone else latches on and I want to have a BANTER BLOG NETWORK...It'll start with UNCENSORED BANTER, and grow to BANTER BLOG SPORTS BETTING, NY SPORTS BANTER, and anything else people wanna roll with...such as PHILLY SPORTS BANTER, BOSTON SPORTS BANTER, COLLEGE SPORTS BANTER, COLLEGE BABES BANTER, JERKOFF METHOD BANTER, etc etc.

I am going to take the reigns on 1 and 3...and possibly two. Everything is else is up for grabs.

We will start with a great link from DEADSPIN.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Another A(ss)-Raping from A-Rod

Our good friend, and sometimes unreasonable, yet knowledgeable Yankee fan, Ted Kramer just expressed his astonishment to me over A-Rod's decision to opt out.

My response to him was a simple: Why?

I, personally, was not one bit shocked about his decision to opt out, or release the breaking news for that matter.

Yeah, Ted has the foundation for a good argument of why the man that is "bigger than the game", in his own mind, shouldn't even bat an eyelash at the opportunity to jump ship to another franchise. The Yanks have the talent, the money, the exposure, the location, the SPOTLIGHT, the history, the future. The whole scenario gives A-Rod a chance to transcend, gulp, the Yankees themselves.

Who are we dealing with though? Does anyone really know what kind of person Alex Rodriguez is? Outside of MAYBE a few guys that share a clubhouse with him, and his immediate family the answer has to be a resounding, No. All we know is that he is the best player, with the deepest pockets, and is represented by the best agent. We know he left the Mariners for the loot, and they got better. We know he was begging to get traded out of Texas (to the Sox) and when he ultimately went to the Yankees, the Rangers got better and the Yanks failed to make it back to the World Series since. All while the Red Sox have won their 2nd championship in four years. I mean, how much baggage really comes with this guy? Is this dark cloud nothing more than perpetual coincidence? It seems pretty evident that we are going to get another team to add to our sample size of the A-Rod Curse. Questions will be answered, but when and at what cost?

Ive been listening to a lot of different perspectives all morning and they have all been based around one thing, Scott Boras MUST have another pretty freakin good offer out there. If not, this could seriously blow up in his face, because its just good business to have the New York Yankees' checkbook as a negotiating tool. Scott Boras is too good at what he does to basically exclude the teams with the two biggest payrolls without something tangible in his back pocket.

While not shocking, it was very bothersome to me the manner and timing in which this decision was delivered. Scott Boras released statements saying it wasnt meant to come out and a lot of other happy horseshit. The guy is a genius when it comes to his work. Hes the best. No doubt. If they wanted this to become public this morning or Tuesdee morning after the Red Sox had done all their celebrating, then thats when it wouldve become public. Now I cant be certain about A-Rod (although I have my opinions), but Scott Boras DEFINITELY wanted this to come to our attention via Ken Rosenthal in the middle of a deciding Game 4 of the World Series. One in which the Yankees arch-rival, and one of the few teams that can afford his number one client, is about to clinch their second World Series in four years. The fact that Theo Epstein, John Henry and David Ortiz had to address questions about A-Rod opting out minutes after the culmination of a triumphant ending to a post-season where they trailed 3-1 in the ALCS just 11 days ago is absolutely obnoxious. I cant put into words how little respect for the game of baseball the dynamic duo of BorA-Rod showed last night.

Then again, what do you expect, he's bigger than the game. The same guy who hadn't accrued a single RBI in 54 consecutive post-season at bats had the testicles to let the world know that he would be listening to offers once again while the sport's biggest event was potentially coming to a close. For a guy who seemed he might prefer being out of the spotlight (2006 season) reassured us that he NEEDS to be in the spotlight, just doesn't want the spotlight to consist of boos.

Boras tried to say all the right things: the door with the Yankees is still open on our end, we need to have some direction on where this team is going (Pettitte, Posada, Rivera, manager), and how much Alex loves New York. When all the smoke cleared, he looked at the Yankee offer (somewhere around 4-5 years and 140 mil) and deemed it laughable.

We will see what happens in the coming days, weeks or months and any possible situation you can think of will surface in one way or another. We are 15 hours into A-Rod Saga: The 2007 Edition and Ive already heard teams as obscure as the Reds and Marlins mentioned. Nothing will seem too far-fetched. Ted seems to think he wont be getting the 10 year 300 mil that Boras talked about, and that is a legitimate stance to take. Some teams flat out cannot afford to pay him the money it will take to hit homeruns in front of their fans. But for those teams that MIGHT have the resources to sign Alex Rodriguez, can they afford not to? After all, he IS bigger than the game.

Da Govna

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Movement

Well, it has been ten days since we have seen any real action on here. Yes, Da Govna has put together two very nice pieces, but I am afraid that they just aren't gettin' any love (well, minus myself).

So, it is with much dissapointment and excitement that I will begin to move Uncensored Banter to a website format. It is probly going to take me ten days to get something together that will be good enough to get live will happen (MAAC Media Day at MSG is on Tuesday, so after that I think I won't be as brutally busy).

As of now, I will be enlisting the help of Da Govna, The Weekly, and Theo Kramer to get things started...I am willing to take anyone that will contribute regular material (more article-esque stuff)...I imagine and hope Warning Track Power, The Reverend, Yimmy of the Tribunal, and the one hit wonder, Fugett will all contributre regular pieces...I also hope that some others will come out of the woodwork with articles and ideas for the site...people like Kamine, Reggie, The Gambler etc...

During the first two weeks, we saw great stuff on here...there is no reason that can't continue in a Leopards Den format.

So please, let me know ideas. I already have sketched out a format...with videos, pictures, links and other sections (gambling (banter blog sports), banter, battles, etc)...any ideas please let me know...all regular contributors will have their own pages, as well as front page headlines based on quality and relevance...Myself, and Da Govna will be the judges of that...

Friday, October 19, 2007

back to the blog

hey guys sorry i haven't been blogging lately just been busy with work and rehab.

rutgers game was pretty sweet last night though in the back of my mind i kinda would have liked to see USF win out and some unknown team 11 years ago play for the national championship. i realize that the game probably would have been a blow out esp if they played like an LSU but still would have made teh college football season even more crazy and turned upside down.

anyways i'm back and im looking forward to this weekend up at laf for homecoming see most of you guys there

here's an article to entertain you while at work (tim mccarver pisses me off)


You know what shifts momentum? Pocket Aces

Alright, here we go, second running diary of the 2007 playoffs. I have a 6 pack of Bud heavies by my side and the Red Sox at Indians Game 5 pre-game is about to get under way.

There could be a few USF at RU interjections from time to time.

Speaking of which: Rutgers entered their "running" (black) QB and ran a designed sneak from the shotgun on 3rd and goal from the 2. He lost 5 yards. WE ARE??? R.U.!! FG is good 3-0 Rutgers.

Joe Girardi is dodging Yanks questions by the millisecond during the pre-game. Hes got some ugly fucking teeth, good Christ. Id just like to reiterate how great of a job the Yankees front office is doing.

I dont know what to call that on Eric Karros' head, but I sure havent seen anything like that grow from the scalp of a human being before.

Matt Holliday spot right now. His head is a perfect isosceles triangle. FYI, I just changed from a long sleeved tee to a more lightweight, under armour type material guy bc I was sweating. The perspiration is stemming from either the heat of the laptop or my overall physique. Im going with the former.

Nice stop on 3rd and 2 by Rutgers, USF ties it at 3.

In between Yanks managerial inquiries Girardi, whose suit is sponsored by the Lehigh Mountain Hawks, tells us that only Bob Gibson has a higher strike out percentage than Josh Beckette in the post-season. Thats pretty good company.

2 outta 3 go pick Injuns which serves as a lead-in to a Kevin Millar spot trying to Cowboy Up Red Sox Nation. Boy, he sure seems glad to be an Oriole.

Quick Rutgers update: Mike Teel sucks dick. Back to you Joe and Tim.

McCarver makes a valiant effort at snapping his fingers, but fails miserably. He just sucks at all aspects of life since his playing career commenced. TBS needs to throw a lucrative contract offer his way, stat.

Bobby Kielty very anti-climatically, and gingerly (literally), introduces the lineup. Nice selection guys.

Number One subplot of Game 5: The Indians bringing in Beckett's ex girlfriend to sing the national anthem and God Bless America. Saavy move, unless Beckett scammed a midday BJ or something.

Cleveland crowd is absolutely bellowing. Chanting CC! CC! on the second pitch of the ballgame.

YOUK! One out dingGER. Looked like a carbon copy of the jack he hit in Game 4. Thatll silence a crowd. Good lord that was a missile. Joe Buck comes outta left center with a good stat: last 9 runs scored by the Sox in this series is via the homerun. I didnt know the Phillies were in the ALCS.

CC just shit on Papi and Manny is greeted with a shower of boos and Manny sucks chants. I thought the whole world loved Manny? Im sure hes really affected by it. Steps in at a career .609 clip against CC. So, he struggles. Lofton, who forgot his map of Da Jake at home, plays a single into a double.

Lowell sprayed one to right and Manny gets gunned down by about 48 feet on a good throw by Gutierrez. Best part being ManRam flipping his helmet off like a 9 year old coming around 3rd thinking its making him faster. One run on three hits, CC seems to be in post-season form tonight.

Oh my God I just threw up. Flipped back to the Rutgers game only to see Strahan and D-Wright standing next to each other on the sideline. I wonder why David Wright is there? Hmmm Erin Andrews is working the game, fucking dick head. Fuck you Kool. Revelle immediately texts me: David Wright looked like a cancer patient standing next to Strahan on the sideline. Please tell me you caught that. I caught it Matt, and I must agree.

Casey Blake felt it was necessary to give everyone's nicknames during intros. That was fun. "G-Size" promptly bloops a two strike double into no-mans-land down the left field line a.ka. every left fielder not named Manny Ramirez or Pat Burrell prolly catches it. Not the type of shit you want to see occuring in the 1st inning if youre a Sox fan.

I love Eric Wedge's gray beard hes growing. Its fucking awesome.

Beckett gets Hafner to role into a 6-3 dp after a Cabrera knock. tied at 1. McCarver was convinced it was a splitter when in fact it was a blatant two seam fastball. He fixed himself on the 4th replay. Good job Tim, you can have a treat now.

Victor Martinez is an absolute beast, and ropes one to left. I dont think Ive seen him not the ball hard ever.

Now seems like a good time to announce that I dont think I could hit Beckett's curveball if he told me it was coming. Apparently neither can Ryan Garko. Inning over.

Clicked to the RU game, heard Strahan being interviewed, then heard his lisp, then shit myself, then changed the channel. Odd sequence of events. Nonetheless, I fought through it.

CC hides the ball very well. I bet he could drink a whole case of OE too. I also think he got his glove at Dick's. Phelan prolly sold it to him over Winter Break '04.

Varitek just got smoked by a 96 MPH heater on the forearm and reacted as if Thunder Dan Olivi hit him with a raisin. I personally would have went into convulsions.

Im 100% convinced that I could give more productive ABs than CoCo Crisp and Jorge Julio, its painful to watch. CC rolled thru the 2nd.

Dane Cook is more adament than ever that there's only one October. I was unsure, thanks tho.

Trivia Question: Who was the winning pitcher in the 1997 ALCS clincher for the Injuns? My guess: Bartolo Colon.

Beckett just threw one 95 at Gutierrez's head, and I saw shit come out the bottom of his pantalones. Followed that up with back to back doytches. Im thinking that was a good old fashioned purpose pitch. Beckett finishes off the inning with a K to Blake. Both guys rebounded well in the 2nd.

1st mention of Joe Torre by Joe Buck: 9:14PM

Pedroia battles through a great at bat and gets a lead off knock.

9:17 the Torre talk finally comes to an end. Ken Rosenthal even trew his two sense in there. Thanks guys, there is a decisive Game 5 taking place. I almost miss Tony Gwynn's breasts. Almost.

Youk rolls into a 1-6-3 DP. CC is working down in the zone well and absolutely pounding the inside corner with heat to righties.

Trivia answer: Brian Anderson. Neat.

Ortiz inconceivably draws a walk after looking foolish for the 2nd straight AB. CC's last two pitches to him: Fastball 99, fastball 98. You can do it put your ass into it!

McCarver just called Manny's homers "walk-out" homeruns, as in he walks out of the box. Real clever Tim. Manny promptly hits a ball that looks like a fly ball of the bat, then keeps carrying and looks like a dinger, now theyre calling it a double. Well, I thought it was a double, but ManRam is still on first. McCarver is going awol about him not getting to 2nd base. I think its a dinger. They say it didnt leave the park. McCarver just keeps saying "ridiculous" over and over. Similar to the Reverend's reference to Norm MacDonald in Dirty Work. Either way, Ortiz scored and its 2-1. I still think it went over the fence. McCarver isnt gonna be able to fall asleep tonight over this single rather than double dilemma. I mean, he clearly shouldve been on 2nd, but good Christ how is anyone surprised. Manny being Manny bay bay!

Lowell K's. Dont cry over spilled milk Timmy. No harm no foul. CC escapes.

FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! SEXUAL TENSION! SEXUAL TENSION!!! Erin Andrews is interviewing Prince Wright during the RU game. God she is hot as balls and Id do anything to marry her. And, yes, you could cut that tension with a Farinon butter knife!! Oh that was rich.

Manny's hat looks awful on his head. Just thought everyone should be aware of that.

McCarver just contradicted himself for the 4th time tonight when analyzing a sick play by Pedroia, which was sandwiched between two Ks. Thats 5 for Beckett through 3 innings. Has thrown exactly 1 fastball under 95 MPH thus far. Guess his back isn't toight.

Kielty has more hits now in 4 ABs vs CC than JD Drew has in the whole series combined I think.

Joe Buck is milking the TITS outta this interview with Injuns pitching coach Carl Willis. I think he just asked him whats on the menu for the post-game spread. GET BACK TO THE GAME!

Back-to-back knocks sets the table for a sac by CoCo. If they dont bunt, I dont know what to tell ya. Hahahaha. Shocker, doesnt get it down. Two feeble and attempts then waves at strike three. God he blows. Lugo up, another monster threat. 6 to 4 to 3. CC gets out of another jam. Gotta love back to back enigmas in a lineup.

Beckett just hit 98 on a throw to first base. Hes all fired up. 3 up 3 down. Josh is in cruise control.

The Comebacks will be on DVD by Christmas.

Two outs, three pitches, and Ortiz hits an 18 hopper through the left side a la any hit Ted Kramer got in his college career. All 4 of them. Bringing up arguably the best right handed hitter we've seen in our lifetime. Fouled one back that he shouldve raped and chastised himself in Dominican. Wild pitch fills up the count. This will result in some sort of RBI or a walk. If they pitch to him theyre nuts. Either going change away or fastball up and out. Carl Willis comes out to relay the message in ebonics to CC that he better not approach the zone with this pitch. Effective mound visit, walk.

CC hits Lowell on a 1-2 fastball, the third consecutive time he went in there. Bobby "The CC Slayer" Kielty steps up. Flies out on the pay off pitch. CC pitches his way out of trouble yet again. Starting to fall off though and drag his arm behind. Leaving a lot of stuff up and away late in that inning. First sign of trouble Id have to say the pen is gonna get a call.

Rich man's Otis Nixon leads off with a lazy fly to left. HOLY SHIT! Lofton and Beckett start jawing at each other and both benches clear. Someone just tell Eric Hinske to lay somebody out bc God knows hes not getting in. Prolly about Lofton dropping the bat on the 3-0 dick shot he took that he thought was a ball. Situation was quickly deescalated. Yep, Beckett screamed at him. Gotta love it.

After a Gutierrez K, McCarver unleashes this neat exchange with himself: Thats 6 straight retired. No 10 straight, Im sorry. 3rd time's a charm: 9 straight retired by Beckett. DOTW potential after this performance, and really every time hes near a microphone. Blake ends the streak with a knock.

Homosexual bleeder by G-Size makes it 1st and 3rd for Cabrera. Good morning, good afternoon, goodnight on 3 sick pitches. Finds his way out of a little bit of a jam. 7 Ks through 5, still one fastball under 95.

Strong 6th by CC. Although it was Varitek, CoCo, and Lugo so you gotta take that with a grain of salt.

Rutgers just converted a fake field goal to make it 27-17. They already completed a fake punt earlier as well. Tricky bastards.

Big inning for Beckett ahead: 3-4-5 set to stand in.

Hey Fox: Id love to know a pitch count on either one of these guys. Is that possible???

Hafner Ks for the 6th time in his last like 9 ABs.

Ask and you shall receive: Beckett is at 72 and CC is at 106.

Groundout and another K (#9) and Beckett mows through the 6th. Vintage Beckett: let up a run in the first, get pissed and just slam the fucking door after that.

I cant imagine this not being CC's last inning.

Pedroia leads off with a scud double to right center. Get on that horn Carl.

Youk hits an RBI triple to right center. 3-1 Socks. G-Size looked weird, it seemed like he slowed up and thought Gutierrez was right next to him and then had to dive at the last second and couldnt get it. Thats gotta be it for CC. And it is, gutsy effort, escaped some jams but still had some command issues and let up a lot of hits.

This could prove to be a monstrous inning. Big three coming up, guy on 3rd, cero outs.

Betancourt in. Joe Buck gives another great stat: Papi is a career .442 hitter in his post-season career with RISP. WOW. Lofton makes a Willie Mays Hayes basket catch at the track for a sac fly. 4-1

Just caught a glimpse of Pedroia's bald spot in the dugout. Ryan Roberts esque. Hes like 24 isnt he?

Right after Fox shows a stat of Manny being 4-7 with 5 walks after falling to an 0-2 count this postseason he Ks looking. Cant win em all. Lowell flies out to end it.

Beckett is 80 pitches deep entering the 7th, which is starting at 11 PM, far past my bedtime.

Just got a shot of Danielle Peck, Beckett's ex girl, she is hot as balls. Id love to screw her.

Great job by Peralta, right after going down by 3 runs he swings at the first pitch and grounds feebly to 3rd. Well done. Professional at bat right there. Donkey.

Wealthy man's Otis Nixon hits one back to Beckett who whiffed terribly troo da wickeds. Looked like Don Smith on PFPs.

Gutierrez pop up and still no one up with Blake up and G-Size (tying run) on deck. Blake Ks looking for number 10 on the evening. Be interesting to see if Okajima goes out there with two lefties and two switch hitters in line to hit. Beckett still looks great though. Still only 3 fastballs under 95 through 7 with pinpoint control and movement.

30-27 Rutgers with 9 to play. No clue how all that scoring happened, sorry.

They just showed John Adams, old fuck that bangs the drum in the crowd, who undoubtedly just smoked his 42nd Marlboro Red of the night.

Perez in. Drew walk and CoCo reaches on an error by Perez. Two sure outs in the post-season given free passes. Bringing up Lugo, who drops down a perfect drag bunt which loads the sacks and incidentally ends Perez's evening. Good outing. Sox gotta put it away here.

Mastny comes in to face the top with one out. Doing his best Dave Drechsel imitation; passed ball by Vic on a borderline strike. CONCENTRATE SON!!! 5-1. Reloads the sacks with another walk. This could get ugly. 4 straight balls to Youk. 6-1. Wedge looks perturbed. No one up in Sox pen and Beckett has been sitting around forever.

Another sac fly by Papi. Uneventful 7th run. I hope Manny hits one 86 miles. I also hope they dont hit him bc that will just prolong me getting into my bed due to the inevitable brawl that will ensue.

Manny Ks looking again, crowd goes wild, not realizing theyre down 6. Moral victories are more important than the game in Cleveland I guess.

Rutgers just sealed the 30-27 victory, thats a one unit win for Da Govna in Banter Sports. FUCKYAW!

Pop up and K #11 on a 96 MPH two seamer gets the 8th underway. Ive been trying to figure out all night how to explain Josh Beckett's facial hair and I still have nothing. Harmless ground out to short will most likely end that outstanding performance. Im guessing Paps comes in since he hasnt pitched since Saturdee. Final line: 8 IP, 1 ER(1st inning), 11 K, 1 BB. 2007 Post-season line: 3-0, 23 IP, 3 ER, 26 K, 1 BB. Holy smokes that's a fucking ace right there. Beckett's final number of fastballs under 95 MPHs: 6.

6 up 6 in down in the 9th lets go, Im tired as teets.

With one out JD Drew gets his meaningless double, chanks pal. Real tough holding 6 in the 9th dickehad. Mastny has some yella ass teeth. Crest my man, it works wonders. Two groundouts end the top half. 3 outs from heading back to Beantown.

3rd Torre aside by Joe Fuck. Snuck another one in there before the 54th out of the game.

After Paps Ks Vic Martinez they showed a clip of him doing the Irish Jig at Fenway on the infield after they clinched the division, wearing sliding shorts. Oh man that was priceless. Baseball players are such scumbags, I love it.

Paps struggling to get ahead, lets up a double by Garko. Peralta grounds out and Pap walks Otis Nixon. At least put one in his ear for jawing at Beckett if youre gonna do that, make a statement.

Gutierrez flies out to end it.

Thats a momentum changing victory right there. Particularly when you have arguably the best post-season pitcher ever waiting in the wings to go Game 6. Another ace in the hole? Maybe. If he gives a vintage Schilling performance in a big game 6 ( a la '04) and they win, I cant see them losing Game 7 at home. Dice K or not, I just dont see it happening.

Player of the Game: Josh Beckett, who definitely nabbed a nooner from his babe ex-girl.

I got a date with my pillows.


Da Govna

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Humorous Progrim, Believe it or Not

Since the blog has hit a bit of a stalemate I figured Id throw something out there that is a little unorthodox in comparison to the basis of our banter thus far.

I am an avid reality TV hater. I think its beyond silly and revolves around absolute bullshit. Unlike Bill Simmons, I dont Tivo Real World: Nazareth, PA. I just dont have the time or intrigue to sit through any variation of a reality show.

That is, until I was watching television with my father and younger brother on Tuesdee's this fall. I tend to eat dinner at my parents house quite often for many reasons that arent important. When that ends Ill generally lay around in a food coma'd state for a little bit, as Kooler can attest to.

As most of you know, Grizz isnt exactly the type of guy who would watch sitcoms, reality TV, or anything that isnt sports or mentally stimulating. Mainly because he works his dick off, comes home, and after eating will nod off within the hour. And hes a radiological physicist, whatever the tits that is. The majority of the time if he stumbles into a room where any of his offspring are watching something along the lines of, say, That 70s Show, he will make a pissed off face and say: "Whats this dumb shit, go outside and do something (baseball related) or watch a show where you can actually learn something." (all while Im quickly trying to return to Sports Center). Partly revealing that we are still slightly scared of my father as (glorified) adults, but I digress.

This is where the irony comes into play. Throughout my years Ive seen Grizz pay attention to two shows ever: The Wonder Years and Smallville. Thats it. Until now. In September Im chillen at my parents house when 8 PM on a Tuesdee rolls around and my dad jubilantly exclaims: "CHARLES! Put on Beauty And The Geek!"

Come again?

I immediately respond with, "Dad, I dont mean to be rude, but are you fucking serious?" Verbatim. He continually tells me how funny this show is and I said alright to appease him, when in the back of my head Im waiting for the first commercial to get the fuck outta dodge. Much to my chagrin, this show is fucking priceless. I mean, HILARIOUS.

The entire premise is explained in the title, there are 10 hot ass chicks and 10 straight up schweenis brainiacs that, not only havent seen a vagina, but havent even approached the opposite sex. The term social infant doesnt even describe how feeble these schmucks are in any situation outside of academia. Its absolutely priceless. Every geek is teamed up with a beauty and that duo tries to help each other in transforming their flaws into positives. Hence, the geeks make the hot chicks smarter and the hot chicks want to make these doytch bags not as big of turds. Note: this season they apparently tried something new where one of the beauties is a dude and one of the geeks is a nerdy broad. Which turned out awesome bc the dude was pile driving one of the hot beauties(chick to your left) and led to an interesting exchange between me and my father:

Me: God, that chick is hot as balls.
Grizz: Yeah, this guy must really hate being on this show. Lives in a huge mansion for free and bangs the hell out of this chick everyday. Must be tough.


Each group, the beauties and the geeks, get a challenge every week and the winner of the challege (and their partner) are exempt from elimination that episode. The winners of the two challenges both pick another team to go to the elimination room and have to answer questions about the material they covered in regards to their respective challenge and the loser is kicked off the show. The team that wins at the end gets a cash prize of $250,000.

All the little intricacies of the show are what make it so great and the utter appearance alone of the geeky kids is so fucking funny I dont know how to describe it. Watching these ppl interact is incentive enough to tune in on a weekly basis. Everyone actually develops pretty good relationships but these guys are just beyond penises. Not to mention the girls are smoking, smoking hot, and dumb as balls.

Its not exactly watching the History channel, but I guarantee you that each and every one of you will laugh. If I had to venture a guess, Drex would laugh harder at this show than any other show hes ever set his eyes on. Think jean shorts in Farinon after morning practice, times 97.

Tuesdee nights, on the CW from 8-9. You will not be disappointed. If Grizz gets excited for it, so will you.

Da Govna

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Banter Blog Updates

BanterBlogSports has been updated. Banter had a fairly good week, with only two cappers posting losing marks. Big Wet Sloppy Juicy Titties joined the train and immediately posted the worst mark of the week, going 9-12 for -4.2 units. Reggie on the other hand, rebounded from a poor week 1 to post a 6-1 week for +6.9 units.

Series bets will be added after the ALCS is over.

Good luck for next week.


We need to get suggestions in for Big Dick Of The Week and Donkey Of The Week so lets make that happen. Ive got a couple:

It goes without saying, but, The 2007 Colorado Rockies: This fucking team wont lose. Period. Swept through the National League like they were playing college teams.

Vinny "GreenBalls" Testeverde: 21 straight years with at least one Teeder. Hes 43 and still a formidable option. If his dick isnt big, he certainly has saggy (green) balls.

The Juice just got Michael Vick'd by his two co-defendants who entered a plea agreement that requires them to testify against him. Off to jail. If youre OJ, why in the name of Jesus Christ himself would you ever think its a good idea to hold up a guy at gunpoint, whether he has your shit or not? Like, is he not gonna recognize you? You are a hall of fame football player whose murder trial was on television everyday for over a year. Get a fucking grip DONKEY.

lets try and get these nominations in

Da Govna

Friday, October 12, 2007

I wish I was in Boston...

Man-o-man, imagine being in Boston this weekend?

New York is the best sports town if for nothing other than the amount of action constantly going on. 2 baseball teams, 2 football teams, 3 hockey teams, a Tennis major, golf tournaments, colleges all over the place, 2 NBA teams...etc etc etc...there is knowhere better...not even close...
Except this weekend in Boston...Boston is the center of the sports world this weekend...think...a GREAT LCS matchup starts tonight between the Natives and the Sox (the pitching match-up is absurdly amazing). Boston College is undefeated and has a legit chance of going to the BCS Title game (not to mention the Heisman candidate they have in their QB, Matt Ryan) and they go against Notre Dame this weekend. And finally, the biggest game of this NFL season is between the PATS and BOYS on Sunday at 4...
I mean wow...can't get much better than that for a weekend in a single city...

Be sure to check out banterblogsports...College Football Weekly, by our own Nicky Beans, just came out...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

LCS Thoughts

Listening to the radio today, I am kinda gettin pumped for these LCS's...actually, I am really pumped cause I think these are two even match-ups...lets hope we get 14 LCS Games to make up for the game shortage in the LDS's...
Sure, Yanks/Sox has more lure than Indians/Sox...but...this series is gonna be legit...Game 1 is CC/Beckett (as Mad Dog put it, sexy match-up), Game 2 is Carmona Schilling (I mean wow...young gunna vs the old timer)...the lineups can swing it...Cleveland has sweet fans (kinda like the Sox used to have before everyone jumped on the train)...just a good LCS match-up all around...
All I want is seven good games...and the odds ur gettin on Cleveland make it worth it to pick em on Banter Blog Sports...
Now the NL...yes the 2 teams suck cause no1 other than their actual fans give a shit (MLB is gonna get crushed in TV ratings)...but this should be a good series in terms of action...Sticks vs Arms...and everyone says good pitching beats good hitting...I am hoping that isnt the case...I def want the Rocks to pull it out...but we will see...Jimenez has filthy stuff and Francis has surprised all year for the Rocks...The Webb is pretty nasty but a Game One win isn't the series...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Blog Retirement

I think due to the recent Reverend situation I am going to refrain from posting on the blog anymore. I really think it's a good idea if we bullshit via email where it's private... I know I've said stuff on here that I wouldn't want anybody besides us to read, and it's much easier to do that in confidence on email. I don't think that the wrong people would read this, but then again neither did Rev, so out of respect for that I'll just be sending you guys emails from now on.

I'm deleting banter sports as well, unless somebody feels very strongly about it and wants me to pass it over to them after I delete myself from it.


Knicks Secret Weapon

anybody see who the Knicks just signed

wait for it


yup the same allen houston who "retired" 2 years ago due to a knee injury

Allen wants to be the next MJ by coming back and taking the Knicks to the promise land....and by promise land I mean over 20 wins.

I can't believe they couldn't find some guy off the street thats:

a. younger
b. can run up and down the court with a walker

how do they expect him to be able to cut and run up the floor after being forced to retire two years ago due to knee injuries. its not like he got any younger (37 in april) and the knicks need to rebuild and by bringing back houston i don't think thats the start...

only hoping they bring back Larry "Grandma-ma" Johnson next

Gilbert Arenas

I'm sure most of you heard a week or two ago when Gilbert Arenas called out Marc Ecko for tainting the Bonds ball with an astericks, but I doubt many of you actually went to his blog to read the post. Gilbert isn't the best writer (very prone to tangents, as he actually admits in this post), but at the very least it should get a little discussion going and give Kool and Gov mega huge raging bonors. I'll hold my own opinions for the comments section. Here is the transcript, and before the Marc Ecko part begins, I've included a short post by Gilbert calling out the celtics, which is great.

Prediction Time

Oh man, everybody is jumping on this Celtics band wagon. You know what? I was going to go prediction-free for the whole year, but I guess I’m going to break that now.
Now, if anybody remembers back when I got drafted, I got a report back that the reason I dropped so far in the draft was that Jim O’Brien of the Celtics said that I was too immature and that I wasn’t ready for the NBA. What really happened was that I had an Achilles injury and I went back to L.A. to go get it healed when I was supposed to have a two-day workout in Boston with O’Brien. He didn’t like that. So word came back to me that he was trashing me and it put this knife through my chest about the Boston Celtics.
Back in the day when I would day dream I thought that if I could score 100 points against any team it would be the Boston Celtics. Now, I knew it would never happen, but if I could do one thing in the NBA it would be to score 100 against Boston. So anyway, since everybody is back on the Boston bandwagon it brought back old memories. So listen here. On November 2nd, we’re going to go into that building, we’re opening up Boston. Right now I’m telling the Boston fans: You guys are going to lose. It’s not going to be a victory for Boston. You might as well just cheer for me, because Boston isn’t winning in Boston for the season opener. I’m sorry.

Marc Ecko, I Have an Offer for You

I normally don’t get into conversations like this, but this kind of hit a nerve in my body as an athlete. This whole Marc Ecko buying the Barry Bonds ball to put an asterisk over it:
I just think it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of.
Who are you as a person to take away somebody’s legacy because you don’t like him as a person? Forget that he is Barry Bonds and forget his records. He was “alleged” of doing steroids. This is America, just because you’re “alleged” of doing something doesn’t mean he actually did it and until he is proven guilty, you shouldn’t have the right to be the judge and jury.
Just because you have the money don’t go buying up people’s history to destroy it. If you’re going to get Barry Bonds’ ball, why don’t you go get Mark McGwire’s homerun balls that got put into the Hall of Fame and Sammy Sosa’s corked bat too?
He was “alleged” of doing steroids. I don’t think as a fan of sports that you have the right to taint this man’s legacy.
This man has a kid. When his kid grows up he’s going to hate you as a person because you decided to be this super, superhero to go put an asterisk sign over his dad’s legacy.
I just felt appalled by it because, what if somebody decides to ban the hyperbaric chambers tomorrow? Everybody knows that I used the hyperbaric tent last year and I scored 60 points against the Lakers during the season I was using the tent. Now, the Hall of Fame has my shoes from that game. What if somebody decides to take my shoes and put an asterisk sign on them now?
I think it’s just drawing graffiti on somebody else’s legacy. Before you go and destroy another man’s career, I’d rather buy the ball back from you and give it to somebody who really, truly wants the ball for what it is.
So, Marc Ecko, I want the ball to give it to a real fan. As a human, you should be ashamed of yourself for outbidding somebody just to do wrong to somebody’s property.
If people don’t understand what I’m talking about, this is the easiest way I can explain it. Anybody out there that has ever taken Creatine, that’s a popular substance, if they all of the sudden consider Creatine to be a steroid that means all you guys that took it are dirty so if you ever do anything in life, you’re tainted. Anything you do in life you’re going to have somebody like Marc Ecko wanting to buy whatever you do in life to put an asterisk sign by it. So if you get a promotion and he decides he wants this guy fired because he did Creatine back in 2001, that’s how you should feel.
Just because he is one of the most hated guys in the world because of “allegedly” doing steroids, I don’t think you should take away his legacy.
The day he broke the record, he wasn’t on steroids. That’s how I look at it. People say that he’s dirty, but the last time I checked anything out I saw that corked bats, spitting on balls, Vaseline on balls and stealing signals, that’s all cheating too.
If they’re doing steroids, I mean there have been plenty of players who I thought have done steroids, but I’m not going to buy their stuff up just to put an asterisk on it. I think it’s giving the wrong idea to people. The fans that voted for the asterisk, I think they’re representing sports wrong because at the time that he broke these records, he wasn’t on steroids.
If you want to buy some records that were broken by somebody who was accused of steroids and admitted to using steroids, go buy Arnold Schwarzenegger’s. Go buy back his trophies and medals and put asterisks on them. That’s a man who actually admitted to using steroids.
I just think it’s wrong. In sports, what people don’t realize is, you’re trying to do everything you can to get that extra advantage. By me using the hyperbaric chamber, I’m using it as an advantage. If they ban it tomorrow, will people be looking at me as a dirty player?
I’m not saying steroids are good or bad here. I mean, I think it’s a cowardly way to enhance your performance don’t get me wrong, but my issue is that if the guy hasn’t been proven guilty, you shouldn’t taint him.
You’re not Superman. You can’t go around trying to save the world from this ball. Give me a break. What if I buy your company and throw it in the trash because I say it's tainted? How stupid would you feel?
And for people who still aren’t feeling me; What if a kid comes and graffiti’s your house. How would you feel?
You worked your butt off to live in the place you live in and some not-so-smart people come and graffiti your house. How would you feel? That’s what I feel about that ball. You’re just tagging it up.
Let a fan, somebody who appreciates the game still, no matter what, accept that ball.
I’ll buy the ball from you Ecko for $800,000. If Barry Bonds is found guilty, I’ll give it back to you. I’m not going to let you go around like some little superhero.
I’ll put it in my hall of fame. The Gilbert Hall of Fame for Athletes no matter what you did.
I know I got off on a little tangent, but Marc, who are you to discredit Barry Bonds' legacy? He is a man first before being a seven-time MVP. Marc, what if someone tried to take away what you did in this world as a fashion pioneer? How would that make you feel as a man?
I would love to buy the ball away from you before you destroy history. I'm a collector of basketball jerseys and I would be honored to have the 756 ball in my personal hall of fame and I know there are real fans out there who both are and aren't Barry Bonds supporters who don't want to see history getting marked up.
I'm not defending steroids users by any means. I'm defending sports in history.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My "O" face is a Scowl

Excuse me while I get this off my chest...

The orioles have finished higher than 4th place in the al east one time in the last 10 years... 3rd place in 2004, 20 games behind the red sox and 23 behind the yankees after leading the division in june.

The orioles draft in the top 10 picks virtually every season, yet teams like the red sox and yankees who are known mortgaging their future on veterans are the ones pumping out promising young studs like pedroia, bucholz, joba, hughes, melky, and cano. The hitters in the orioles farm system are pathetic!! Our top draft pick from 3 years ago was a high school catcher who can't hit, tore his labrum, and now platoons at single A at 1st and 3rd. That is just the tip of the iceberg. With all the top-flight picks the o's have, there should be at least 2 or 3 PREMIER prospects in our system, and we don't have ONE. The closest is Radhames Liz, a big dominican who racked up some wins and K’s at Double A and came up and got his tits lit in September. He looked like he was years from being an impact pitcher. Going into the 2006 season, according to baseball america, our top prospect was Billy Rowell, who hit an unimpressive .273 with 104 K's in 91 games in low A ball this year. The #2 prospect, Brandon Erbe, went 6-8 with a 6.26 ERA in A ball. Our top power prospect was Nolan Reimold, who only played 50 games, hitting 11 bombs with 47 K's at Double A. The guy with the "best strike zone discipline," Jeff Fiorentino, has the face and physique of that earned him the nickname of fuckin Screech. You get the idea. The most promising guy by the numbers is 25 year old 1B Luis Antonio Jimenez, who managed 22 bombs (highest total at any level for an oriole prospect) while hitting .328 (also highest for a regular). He wasn't even on the list going into the year and I've never heard an orioles exec mention his name.

As for the current orioles... the pitchers: Chris Ray just got Tommy John, and he couldn't get anyone out BEFORE the fuckin surgery. Our two best relievers, Jamie Walker and Chad Bradford, don't throw 100mph combined. Daniel Cabrera is not that young anymore, he'll be 27 next year, and as long as he's been in the league, he is now a proven loser. Jeremy Guthrie had a nice year, but as an O's fan, you got the sense that the league started to figure him out as the year went on. He's still got good stuff, but he is what one might call a "max effort" pitcher, and arm troubles definitely look like they are in his future. Erik Bedard is a free agent after next season, and given the market for starting pitching, this is just a lose-lose for the o's. Overpay for a guy that has never had an injury free season, or let the bona-fide ace you need to build a winner on get away. Adam Loewen has shown me nothing in his time in the bigs, medicore stuff and bad command, and he's behind on development after missing the bulk of 2007.
The hitters: highest paid guy is miguel tejada, whose offense has declined each year since he's been here, and infield coach Juan Samuel said this about his D: "He doesn't move real well. I don't know how we can fix it." Brob is 31 next year and plays like Iverson (i.e. takes a beating). Melvin Mora is 36 and we've seen his production fall off a cliff as one would expect of a guy that age. Kevin Millar is the only true leader on the team and had a great year for him by hitting .260, which are 2 pathetic statements that I’m saddened to make. Ramon Hernandez can no longer hit or throw out runners consistently. Corey Patterson plays great D, swipes bags, and is an atrocious hitter who probably won’t be back next year. In left, Jay Payton is old (35), has zero power (7 dingers), and is a psycho (tried to fight melvin mora). Markakis is obviously a stud (112 rbi in this shit lineup), but he just isn't a player that is gonna carry a team since he doesn't have to power to hit 40 bombs.

The past, present and future are all bleak, and I'd only estimate that the realism/pessimism split in this post is 80/20.

And the Ravens still don't have a qb that can complete a 15 yard pass, yet I somehow remain optimistic about that.

Yimmy, I'd love to get your thoughts.

God I hate Boston right now with their Red Sox, NFL dominance, 4th ranked college FB team, and Garnett carrying hoops squad.

Tennis. Is it legit?

Many of you guys know that I am a pretty solid Tennis fan. If a major is on, I watch it, and if a good match-up is on, I'll watch that regardless of the tourney...I like the sport...

When I was chillen down at Ian's I was reading an SI about how Tennis is possibly the most corrupt sport in the world (in terms of the fixing of matches). Betting trends are so ridiculous that minutes before certain matches, all bets are called off because of the ridic amount of action on one player. For example (this is from memory): The 3rd or 4th ranked player in the world, Nikolay Davydenko was favored heavily to beat a no-name early in a US Open Series event. After the first set, which Davydenko won, there was a HUGE turn of action towards the other guy. Like millions and millions of dollars started going on this guy who had just lost the first set. So the gambling sites took the match off...

Wouldn't you know it, but Davydenko, ended up retiring in the third set (he was up 2-0) with a strained back. Coincidence? Maybe.

But there are tons of other examples... I am in the process of looking for the article but chew on this one.

One of the few decent Americans (Andy Murray) seems to agree with the assertions made in the SI article.
***I found the SI article and didnt feel like changing this post that much and couldnt fit it in the here you go.

Inviting Some Venting

So now with most of our members not having "their" team in the hunt for the prize anymore I figured I would open a thread for some venting.

Complain about the season, look to next year, whatever...I know I'll have somethin to say about the Mets...

Fuckin' Bills blowin' that game tonite, God Bless.

A couple of links.