Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gilbert Arenas

I'm sure most of you heard a week or two ago when Gilbert Arenas called out Marc Ecko for tainting the Bonds ball with an astericks, but I doubt many of you actually went to his blog to read the post. Gilbert isn't the best writer (very prone to tangents, as he actually admits in this post), but at the very least it should get a little discussion going and give Kool and Gov mega huge raging bonors. I'll hold my own opinions for the comments section. Here is the transcript, and before the Marc Ecko part begins, I've included a short post by Gilbert calling out the celtics, which is great.

Prediction Time

Oh man, everybody is jumping on this Celtics band wagon. You know what? I was going to go prediction-free for the whole year, but I guess I’m going to break that now.
Now, if anybody remembers back when I got drafted, I got a report back that the reason I dropped so far in the draft was that Jim O’Brien of the Celtics said that I was too immature and that I wasn’t ready for the NBA. What really happened was that I had an Achilles injury and I went back to L.A. to go get it healed when I was supposed to have a two-day workout in Boston with O’Brien. He didn’t like that. So word came back to me that he was trashing me and it put this knife through my chest about the Boston Celtics.
Back in the day when I would day dream I thought that if I could score 100 points against any team it would be the Boston Celtics. Now, I knew it would never happen, but if I could do one thing in the NBA it would be to score 100 against Boston. So anyway, since everybody is back on the Boston bandwagon it brought back old memories. So listen here. On November 2nd, we’re going to go into that building, we’re opening up Boston. Right now I’m telling the Boston fans: You guys are going to lose. It’s not going to be a victory for Boston. You might as well just cheer for me, because Boston isn’t winning in Boston for the season opener. I’m sorry.

Marc Ecko, I Have an Offer for You

I normally don’t get into conversations like this, but this kind of hit a nerve in my body as an athlete. This whole Marc Ecko buying the Barry Bonds ball to put an asterisk over it:
I just think it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of.
Who are you as a person to take away somebody’s legacy because you don’t like him as a person? Forget that he is Barry Bonds and forget his records. He was “alleged” of doing steroids. This is America, just because you’re “alleged” of doing something doesn’t mean he actually did it and until he is proven guilty, you shouldn’t have the right to be the judge and jury.
Just because you have the money don’t go buying up people’s history to destroy it. If you’re going to get Barry Bonds’ ball, why don’t you go get Mark McGwire’s homerun balls that got put into the Hall of Fame and Sammy Sosa’s corked bat too?
He was “alleged” of doing steroids. I don’t think as a fan of sports that you have the right to taint this man’s legacy.
This man has a kid. When his kid grows up he’s going to hate you as a person because you decided to be this super, superhero to go put an asterisk sign over his dad’s legacy.
I just felt appalled by it because, what if somebody decides to ban the hyperbaric chambers tomorrow? Everybody knows that I used the hyperbaric tent last year and I scored 60 points against the Lakers during the season I was using the tent. Now, the Hall of Fame has my shoes from that game. What if somebody decides to take my shoes and put an asterisk sign on them now?
I think it’s just drawing graffiti on somebody else’s legacy. Before you go and destroy another man’s career, I’d rather buy the ball back from you and give it to somebody who really, truly wants the ball for what it is.
So, Marc Ecko, I want the ball to give it to a real fan. As a human, you should be ashamed of yourself for outbidding somebody just to do wrong to somebody’s property.
If people don’t understand what I’m talking about, this is the easiest way I can explain it. Anybody out there that has ever taken Creatine, that’s a popular substance, if they all of the sudden consider Creatine to be a steroid that means all you guys that took it are dirty so if you ever do anything in life, you’re tainted. Anything you do in life you’re going to have somebody like Marc Ecko wanting to buy whatever you do in life to put an asterisk sign by it. So if you get a promotion and he decides he wants this guy fired because he did Creatine back in 2001, that’s how you should feel.
Just because he is one of the most hated guys in the world because of “allegedly” doing steroids, I don’t think you should take away his legacy.
The day he broke the record, he wasn’t on steroids. That’s how I look at it. People say that he’s dirty, but the last time I checked anything out I saw that corked bats, spitting on balls, Vaseline on balls and stealing signals, that’s all cheating too.
If they’re doing steroids, I mean there have been plenty of players who I thought have done steroids, but I’m not going to buy their stuff up just to put an asterisk on it. I think it’s giving the wrong idea to people. The fans that voted for the asterisk, I think they’re representing sports wrong because at the time that he broke these records, he wasn’t on steroids.
If you want to buy some records that were broken by somebody who was accused of steroids and admitted to using steroids, go buy Arnold Schwarzenegger’s. Go buy back his trophies and medals and put asterisks on them. That’s a man who actually admitted to using steroids.
I just think it’s wrong. In sports, what people don’t realize is, you’re trying to do everything you can to get that extra advantage. By me using the hyperbaric chamber, I’m using it as an advantage. If they ban it tomorrow, will people be looking at me as a dirty player?
I’m not saying steroids are good or bad here. I mean, I think it’s a cowardly way to enhance your performance don’t get me wrong, but my issue is that if the guy hasn’t been proven guilty, you shouldn’t taint him.
You’re not Superman. You can’t go around trying to save the world from this ball. Give me a break. What if I buy your company and throw it in the trash because I say it's tainted? How stupid would you feel?
And for people who still aren’t feeling me; What if a kid comes and graffiti’s your house. How would you feel?
You worked your butt off to live in the place you live in and some not-so-smart people come and graffiti your house. How would you feel? That’s what I feel about that ball. You’re just tagging it up.
Let a fan, somebody who appreciates the game still, no matter what, accept that ball.
I’ll buy the ball from you Ecko for $800,000. If Barry Bonds is found guilty, I’ll give it back to you. I’m not going to let you go around like some little superhero.
I’ll put it in my hall of fame. The Gilbert Hall of Fame for Athletes no matter what you did.
I know I got off on a little tangent, but Marc, who are you to discredit Barry Bonds' legacy? He is a man first before being a seven-time MVP. Marc, what if someone tried to take away what you did in this world as a fashion pioneer? How would that make you feel as a man?
I would love to buy the ball away from you before you destroy history. I'm a collector of basketball jerseys and I would be honored to have the 756 ball in my personal hall of fame and I know there are real fans out there who both are and aren't Barry Bonds supporters who don't want to see history getting marked up.
I'm not defending steroids users by any means. I'm defending sports in history.


Warning Track Power said...

He makes some decent points, which is pretty suprising cuz hes a fuckin nut.

I'd like to make a side note here if I may. The whole steroids issue is being addressed poorly in the media. Too much emphasis is being focused on how its considered 'cheating,' and not enough on the life threatening damage it does to your body and mind. Steroids are illegal because they fuck up your whole shit and yet these idiots still go pumping it into their bodies. The media says its cheating and kids are like fuck that- ill take some juice to get all jacked up, maybe make millions of dollars with worst case scenario some bitches drooling over my biceps and you can call me a fuckin cheater.

E said...

it affects you in the years you dont care about anyway.

Warning Track Power said...

A couple famous athletic steroid deaths happened a little before our time and that led to some important change but its almost like we need another one now to get the message across. Its sad. And I realize Benoit just had his whole episode but I think the general perception is more he was just a crazy fuck than the true impact of the drugs. From what I hear from a very reliable source, a shockingly high percentage of high school kids across ct are all on this shit- and its def got to be nationwide. I mean give me a break.

Warning Track Power said...

Yea those years will be important before you know it

BobKooler said...

I like what Gill is saying here (even tho he could have done it in about 3000 less words)...

Regardless of what you think about Barry Bonds or steroids it is a total travesty to mark up that ball. The only reason this guy bought the shit was to advertise for his own company and that sickens me. I know I am a Bonds fan, but the bottom line is, it is history and history shouldnt be fucked with.

BobKooler said...

I mean, steroids are fucked up. I have known that forever. It was clearly taught to me for a long time. If people wanna take em, let em, take em. It's a matter of choice.

Heff, Cigs kill. I know they are terrible for my health but I still rip em (havent had a single one in 9 days!)...

People will choose to do what people will choose to do...In my mind the info is out there...its just whether the individual chooses to listed.

BobKooler said...


E said...

smoke em if you got em!

Warning Track Power said...

Yea the cigs are fucked too. But if the national media campaign against them was 'When you smoke cigs you smell bad to other people' you'd be more like fuck how you guys think i smell than these are killing me slowly which is the main issue.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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E said...

plus there is that one commercial where that statue of an athlete just crumbles limb by limb so its not totally geared towards cheating and not health.

E said...

so if you were positive that you could have juiced at Vandy, become the #1 wide receiver, and you would eventually have a good shot at playing in the NFL, all while knowing the detriment that steroids are to the body, you 100% wouldnt have dabbled??

Warning Track Power said...

Tough question. I don't know the answer. I do know that others thought that way and still didn't play. And it's not like I haven't dabbled in harmful substances. I'm dipping right now. You guys make good points. I still just think it;s too much on cheating. a lot of people don't give a shit about others moral views on what is and what is not cheating. I'm in the camp of those who view at the other madden playbook. I figure if you got 9 plays to choose from ( you can hide selections with L and R) and I pick the one you do then I'm being a good defensive coordinator and that even dates back to Tecmo Bowl.

E said...

typical from daaaaaaaa jew

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...

I'm dipping right now too, but I only view madden offensive playbooks if I'm down by 2 scores or more.

Warning Track Power said...

Im also a whore about peeping your halo screen to gather up all the visual information available to me and using it to my advantage.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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Warning Track Power said...

Amen brother

BobKooler said...

I fucking HATE HATE HATE playing video games w Heff cause of his views, but more because he beats me so bad...actually part of the reason I never got "real" into los videojuegos is cause of him.

Kamine said...

ha since were talking about video games anybody play halo 3 yet? i'm bored at my house after work figured i might find something to do thought i might buy it if its worth getting (i'm assuming it is but wanted first hand feedback)

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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Warning Track Power said...

Just purchased. Im a big big Halo fan but by the time I bought the box, insurance on it, 2 extra controllers and 2 games it was $800. Haven't been able to set up live yet but its sick. I also have yet to set it up in my theater room but as of next week I will have Halo 3 Live and all other games on a 106 inch projection HD screen. You can all start hating me now.

BobKooler said...

Big Wet Titties

Warning Track Power said...

Speaking of which I may need to nominate myself for donkey of the week right now. Yesterday I'm at the gym and a beautfiul babe is joggin on the treadmill. We're gettin a little eye fuckin going here and there but the weights are on the other side and I'm into a pretty serious workout. She finishes and heads into the locker room and as I am on my way to the water fountain she walks out and is unexpectedly right in front of me. Tall, lean, dark haired bitch with some nice titties and def a little younger. Probably the first solid bitch I've seen at the gym in months and exactly the girl im lookin for right now. What do I do? I fuckin choke. Don't even say a word. My attempted gym pickup that resulted in an all time crash and burn a couple months ago was a better feeling.

BobKooler said...

ahahaha, what about shannon, that goin anywherre?

Warning Track Power said...

Not really. I thought I'd be goin there this weekend but I havent heard from her that much recently. I'm pretty sure she has a man but I have no idea why I haven't heard from her more. I know she was legit into me but I also made it like I wasn't really trying to talk to her once she left other than to come up for a nite and bang so it was prolly my fault too.

Im on a new mission these days. First stop is DC this weekend for jacks roomate and then the 27 is throwin a party sat nite in stamford and im gonna try to bang one of her friends. I feel like ill have her at least once in the model home when were workin together and bangin a friend now would def help me out.

I really got to start goin out more tho- especially into the city- and find some legit girlfriend material but bats and blitz and strancock and shalvs can be so gay sometimes.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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BobKooler said...

She probly does have a man up there which is why she was shady when u first started nailin that.

Interesting. Heff are u aware of what went down w Reverend today?

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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