Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let's get this party started again...

Well it's been about...well...who the fuck knows how long its been...too long...I let a small thing deter me/us from a good thing and I will not allow that to happen.

We had a good thing going here at UNCENSORED BANTER and we just let it roll away into the darkness...

I read things on Busted Coverage and Deadspin and other damn good blogs and I think, you know what? I could do just as good as this...better put...WE could do just as good as this (I think it has also been the fact that the Mets are playing like a bunch of little league softball players and I need somewhere to stick my random thoughts when I am at home jerking off to the college girls I don't hit on).

When we were rockin' out we had live blogs, links, stories, and some funny stuff on here, and there is no reason that can't continue...We need to learn a lesson (i.e. no specifics from work if you have serious job), and grow from it...

I am gonna rock out until someone else latches on and I want to have a BANTER BLOG NETWORK...It'll start with UNCENSORED BANTER, and grow to BANTER BLOG SPORTS BETTING, NY SPORTS BANTER, and anything else people wanna roll with...such as PHILLY SPORTS BANTER, BOSTON SPORTS BANTER, COLLEGE SPORTS BANTER, COLLEGE BABES BANTER, JERKOFF METHOD BANTER, etc etc.

I am going to take the reigns on 1 and 3...and possibly two. Everything is else is up for grabs.

We will start with a great link from DEADSPIN.

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