Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jose Over-Reyes

I've had enough of it, and the whole world needs to start recognizing this fact.
Jose Reyes is fucking totally over-rated, and he is one of the most brain-dead baseball players in all of Major League Baseball.

The guy may turn out to be one of the great Mets in history and has a ceiling that can't even be touched...but presently...this guy is totally pathetic (he is currently on a 10-game hitting streak too)...

He can't do a god-damned thing with out fucking up another. I blame him for Friday nights loss, and he is the reason the Mets are losing 3-1 in the bottom of the 5th presently.

On Friday, after Matt Holliday homered on a 95 mph heater below the knees thrown by Bill Wags, Reyes led off the 10th with a hustle double. Then, with Luis "the best thing I do is bunt" Castillo at the plate to bunt, he proceeds to get picked off of second base. Are you serious?
Today, he loafs to a mindless 6-4-3 double play ball, lets it go through his legs, and Maine gives up a three-run homer (the only hit of the game thus far).
In the Atlanta debacle, Jose attempted to steal second after a lead off single with the Mets down 4-0 and was thrown out. Earlier in the year against the Nats he tried to go first to third on a ground out and was caught doing that.
He puts together a great at-bat followed by an "AB" where he pops up a first pitch change up with a guy on base. It sickens me (As I type, Maine just reached on an error, and Reyes swung at the first pitch and did not advance the runner...he also got picked off of first base earlier today. And he just "forgot" to break up a double play as well.).
I hope others really start to recognize this, and I want to apologize to anyone that I laughed at when they told me they had a better shortstop. Especially Yankee fans and Ian Law. Presently, Reyes cannot hold the jock of Derek Jeter or Jimmy Rollins.


E said...


E said...

the phils won 20-5 last night for those counting at home......