Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome Back...Reverse Karma

So, I have once again decided to try and bring this back from the dead...who knows if it will work. However, the last post (see below) was me ripping Jose Reyes. Since that point he has been great baseball. One of the best players in the game as a matter of fact. Go take a look at his stats and tell me I am wrong.

Anyways, this ass-chewing is going to the Mets bullpenn. It's worse than bad, its a goddamned disgrace...why can't they just give up one run? or even two? Instead they give up runs so they game is out of reach. It's infuriating to say the least and I have no confidence in them at all. None.

Lets go reverse karma and lets get this baby back on track it.


1 comment:

Angry Brown Guy said...

i think you should bring this blog back.
