Thursday, October 18, 2007

Humorous Progrim, Believe it or Not

Since the blog has hit a bit of a stalemate I figured Id throw something out there that is a little unorthodox in comparison to the basis of our banter thus far.

I am an avid reality TV hater. I think its beyond silly and revolves around absolute bullshit. Unlike Bill Simmons, I dont Tivo Real World: Nazareth, PA. I just dont have the time or intrigue to sit through any variation of a reality show.

That is, until I was watching television with my father and younger brother on Tuesdee's this fall. I tend to eat dinner at my parents house quite often for many reasons that arent important. When that ends Ill generally lay around in a food coma'd state for a little bit, as Kooler can attest to.

As most of you know, Grizz isnt exactly the type of guy who would watch sitcoms, reality TV, or anything that isnt sports or mentally stimulating. Mainly because he works his dick off, comes home, and after eating will nod off within the hour. And hes a radiological physicist, whatever the tits that is. The majority of the time if he stumbles into a room where any of his offspring are watching something along the lines of, say, That 70s Show, he will make a pissed off face and say: "Whats this dumb shit, go outside and do something (baseball related) or watch a show where you can actually learn something." (all while Im quickly trying to return to Sports Center). Partly revealing that we are still slightly scared of my father as (glorified) adults, but I digress.

This is where the irony comes into play. Throughout my years Ive seen Grizz pay attention to two shows ever: The Wonder Years and Smallville. Thats it. Until now. In September Im chillen at my parents house when 8 PM on a Tuesdee rolls around and my dad jubilantly exclaims: "CHARLES! Put on Beauty And The Geek!"

Come again?

I immediately respond with, "Dad, I dont mean to be rude, but are you fucking serious?" Verbatim. He continually tells me how funny this show is and I said alright to appease him, when in the back of my head Im waiting for the first commercial to get the fuck outta dodge. Much to my chagrin, this show is fucking priceless. I mean, HILARIOUS.

The entire premise is explained in the title, there are 10 hot ass chicks and 10 straight up schweenis brainiacs that, not only havent seen a vagina, but havent even approached the opposite sex. The term social infant doesnt even describe how feeble these schmucks are in any situation outside of academia. Its absolutely priceless. Every geek is teamed up with a beauty and that duo tries to help each other in transforming their flaws into positives. Hence, the geeks make the hot chicks smarter and the hot chicks want to make these doytch bags not as big of turds. Note: this season they apparently tried something new where one of the beauties is a dude and one of the geeks is a nerdy broad. Which turned out awesome bc the dude was pile driving one of the hot beauties(chick to your left) and led to an interesting exchange between me and my father:

Me: God, that chick is hot as balls.
Grizz: Yeah, this guy must really hate being on this show. Lives in a huge mansion for free and bangs the hell out of this chick everyday. Must be tough.


Each group, the beauties and the geeks, get a challenge every week and the winner of the challege (and their partner) are exempt from elimination that episode. The winners of the two challenges both pick another team to go to the elimination room and have to answer questions about the material they covered in regards to their respective challenge and the loser is kicked off the show. The team that wins at the end gets a cash prize of $250,000.

All the little intricacies of the show are what make it so great and the utter appearance alone of the geeky kids is so fucking funny I dont know how to describe it. Watching these ppl interact is incentive enough to tune in on a weekly basis. Everyone actually develops pretty good relationships but these guys are just beyond penises. Not to mention the girls are smoking, smoking hot, and dumb as balls.

Its not exactly watching the History channel, but I guarantee you that each and every one of you will laugh. If I had to venture a guess, Drex would laugh harder at this show than any other show hes ever set his eyes on. Think jean shorts in Farinon after morning practice, times 97.

Tuesdee nights, on the CW from 8-9. You will not be disappointed. If Grizz gets excited for it, so will you.

Da Govna

1 comment:

BobKooler said...

o god, o god was that fantastic man, i was dying