Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tennis. Is it legit?

Many of you guys know that I am a pretty solid Tennis fan. If a major is on, I watch it, and if a good match-up is on, I'll watch that regardless of the tourney...I like the sport...

When I was chillen down at Ian's I was reading an SI about how Tennis is possibly the most corrupt sport in the world (in terms of the fixing of matches). Betting trends are so ridiculous that minutes before certain matches, all bets are called off because of the ridic amount of action on one player. For example (this is from memory): The 3rd or 4th ranked player in the world, Nikolay Davydenko was favored heavily to beat a no-name early in a US Open Series event. After the first set, which Davydenko won, there was a HUGE turn of action towards the other guy. Like millions and millions of dollars started going on this guy who had just lost the first set. So the gambling sites took the match off...

Wouldn't you know it, but Davydenko, ended up retiring in the third set (he was up 2-0) with a strained back. Coincidence? Maybe.

But there are tons of other examples... I am in the process of looking for the article but chew on this one.

One of the few decent Americans (Andy Murray) seems to agree with the assertions made in the SI article.
***I found the SI article and didnt feel like changing this post that much and couldnt fit it in the comments...so here you go. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/sl_price/09/04/scorecard0910/index.html


BobKooler said...

I found the SI article...here it is...

Obviously my facts werent totally straight but...


BobKooler said...

Fuckin whore...I will just post it on the actual post

Kamine said...

bob if youre looking for more links..def link to this site


its from sports illustrated and its a daily link where it talks about ridiculous sports and hot chicks i check it every day at work around lunch time

Kamine said...

the "hot clicks" section is usually pretty good

The Reverend said...

That is some crazy stuff about Tennis. If I was a struggling tennis pro, I would definitely feel the temptation of throwing a match so that I could make some serious cash. I understand that most of the big money to be made in a scheme like this would be a top ranked player like Daydvedenko throwing a match, but I don't understand why those guys would do that. Top 10 tennis pros are definitely making major bank, especially overseas, so I don't see a valid reason for them to get involved. Daydvedenko is probably just mixed up with the Russian mob or some shit from his younger days.

Obviously though, this is the 2nd biggest problem in tennis. The first is Roger Federer's girlfriend. Toss up: What do you have a bigger problem with? Roger Federer dating a 6 or Kurt Warner marrying a dyke 3?

E said...

That is a fucking tough one.

Kurt Warner looks exactly like Val Kilmer in Top Gun (Iceman) but he was an arena qb and a bagger at a grocery store prior to his NFL dominance. Plus hes kind of a turd.

Federer's girl is a straight pig and hes the best tennis player in the world. That is inexcusable.

Im gonna have to go with Federer bc he should definitely be slaying some hot Swedish model who also doesnt sweat.

E said...

Kurt Warner's wife is Iceman I meant

Kamine said...

def. federer's wife is worse....he's the tiger woods of tennis i mean he's gonna break every record and makes major bank....if tiger woods can score a swedish model then federer should be at least hitting maria sharapova

BobKooler said...

I think Roger's stock dips about 2 pts cause of his wife. As Ian said, its totally inexcusable that he is with such a heinous creature.

The Reverend said...

Warner's wife kinda reminds me of the manager of the electronics store from 40 year old virin that wants to be Steve Carell's fuck-buddy.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E said...

have you SEEN/heard tiger woods? dudes all teeth and gums!!!!

The Reverend said...

fuck around and give a bitch a hysterectomy...

E said...

when youre the best, youre the man. looks dont matter that much. theeee crack baby himself, Sheldon Williams of Duke, has a HOT ASS girlfriend that played hoops for Tennessee i believe. now extrapolate being the second best player at duke to the best tennis player EVER. plus hes swiss and im sure thats cool to some hot bitches somewhere.

The Reverend said...

and he sports some pretty pimp gear, like the white nike wimbledon blazer and the black US open tuxedo shorts.

James is right though, his face does look like someone fed kaleigh mountain a lemon and then hit her mid-chew in the face with a baseball bat.

Here's hopin she never sees that.

The Reverend said...

check out this crazy Montana football player:


The Reverend said...

also, fergie's music kills kids:


BobKooler said...

holy shit rev, that is nuts, that fergie shit


i loved the qoute from the bear dude that said, "i still got a pretty dang good headache"