Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Knicks Secret Weapon

anybody see who the Knicks just signed

wait for it


yup the same allen houston who "retired" 2 years ago due to a knee injury

Allen wants to be the next MJ by coming back and taking the Knicks to the promise land....and by promise land I mean over 20 wins.

I can't believe they couldn't find some guy off the street thats:

a. younger
b. can run up and down the court with a walker

how do they expect him to be able to cut and run up the floor after being forced to retire two years ago due to knee injuries. its not like he got any younger (37 in april) and the knicks need to rebuild and by bringing back houston i don't think thats the start...

only hoping they bring back Larry "Grandma-ma" Johnson next

1 comment:

BobKooler said...

I mean, yeh, and why would Houston, a nice guy, even want to try and make some retarded come back with the most fucked up franchise is all of sport? let alone the lunacy of the Knicks thinking its a good idea to sign a guy that had to retire cause of injury