Friday, October 12, 2007

I wish I was in Boston...

Man-o-man, imagine being in Boston this weekend?

New York is the best sports town if for nothing other than the amount of action constantly going on. 2 baseball teams, 2 football teams, 3 hockey teams, a Tennis major, golf tournaments, colleges all over the place, 2 NBA teams...etc etc etc...there is knowhere better...not even close...
Except this weekend in Boston...Boston is the center of the sports world this weekend...think...a GREAT LCS matchup starts tonight between the Natives and the Sox (the pitching match-up is absurdly amazing). Boston College is undefeated and has a legit chance of going to the BCS Title game (not to mention the Heisman candidate they have in their QB, Matt Ryan) and they go against Notre Dame this weekend. And finally, the biggest game of this NFL season is between the PATS and BOYS on Sunday at 4...
I mean wow...can't get much better than that for a weekend in a single city...

Be sure to check out banterblogsports...College Football Weekly, by our own Nicky Beans, just came out...


E said...

im sure KG, Paul Pierce, and Jesus Shuttlesworth will be wreaking havoc on some cuntys in a preseason game as well.

BobKooler said...

so apparently thw blog is now done?

on to a website unless people feel like posting...

thoughts govna? i see a little domain name in our future...