Tuesday, October 16, 2007


We need to get suggestions in for Big Dick Of The Week and Donkey Of The Week so lets make that happen. Ive got a couple:

It goes without saying, but, The 2007 Colorado Rockies: This fucking team wont lose. Period. Swept through the National League like they were playing college teams.

Vinny "GreenBalls" Testeverde: 21 straight years with at least one Teeder. Hes 43 and still a formidable option. If his dick isnt big, he certainly has saggy (green) balls.

The Juice just got Michael Vick'd by his two co-defendants who entered a plea agreement that requires them to testify against him. Off to jail. If youre OJ, why in the name of Jesus Christ himself would you ever think its a good idea to hold up a guy at gunpoint, whether he has your shit or not? Like, is he not gonna recognize you? You are a hall of fame football player whose murder trial was on television everyday for over a year. Get a fucking grip DONKEY.

lets try and get these nominations in

Da Govna


E said...

Aaron Rowand: For even having the thought of that contract cross his mind. 84 million dollars over 6 years???? Come on baw!!! I mean, Im not paying you 14 a year my man. I love Aaron Rowand, but lets be fair dude! See you rater unless you drastically drop that figure!

BobKooler said...

no fucking way did he actually request that...uve gotta be kidding me...holy shit...holy shit

Warning Track Power said...

Honorable Mention DOTW: TI. Like honestly, what is with these guys and guns? Get fuckin real. You're not living in the ghetto anymore asshole.

Warning Track Power said...

And actually I think we should have perpetual honorable mention DOTW be Hillary Clinton. My dad swears he is ready to move to Canada if she wins.

E said...

tell Big Jerr that I got shotty

Warning Track Power said...

No doubt. We can go get some BC bud too.

Trent Green wants to come back. Def worth a second donkey nom.

E said...

hahahaha i totally agree, we touched on it last week, HANG EM UP WILL YA!

E said...

Major League Baseball for this outlandish postseason schedule. Really? We are gonna have a day off between games 4 and 5 without traveling? Can someone explain that to me please?

E said...

Jimmy Kimmel: For shitting on Theisman in the booth on MNF bad enough that he promptly gets banned from ever coming on again.