Monday, October 8, 2007


E said...

Victor Martinez just did a great job with a 2 strike deuce from Moose that actually wasnt bad. 2 RBI knock to make it 6-1 with one out in 4th with two on. Paul Byrd stays away from the big inning and its looking good for daa Injuns.

BobKooler said...

I cannot believe the mother fucking Boy's just won that mother fucking game.

God damnit.

Fuck. I jinxed em.

I hope the Yankee fans revolt if they fire Torre.

If they do, I hope the Wilpon's ask him to run the Mets. Man that would be grand.

BobKooler said...

hot pic jimbo

The Reverend said...

i couldve swore the indians had the yankees signs with a runner on 2nd base last night. Particularly the inning where martinez took mussina the other way. Kelly Shoppach was on 2nd base for a long ass time (2 long ab's) and the indians hitters were reacting to every pitch perfectly. Wish you guys could go back and watch that inning. The TV guys were even remarking on how they weren't being fooled at all by great pitches.

Also, Donny Deustch from CNBC was sitting directly behind home plate just over the umpire's left shoulder, and had two 10's leaning across him and flirting with him through the 7th inning. Buster and I tallied a total or 3 (maybe 4) occassions where the chicks glanced at the game.