Monday, October 8, 2007

Some Thoughts

1. I get that everybody has a rock hard boner over Brett Farve and his legacy and his current play and whatever, but if I have to watch him button and unbutton his chinstrap after every fucking play for just one more game I'm gonna shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he slipped his wife's panties from her snatch to off her snatch to back on her snatch after every pump during sex.
2. Frank Thomas. What are you doing buddy? Hello? Yeah you. Hello? Spit it out. Wait, what? Nevermind. Keep that to yourself. You are an idiot. Please shut up.
3. Why is Joba in for the 8th? I love Joe but that makes no sense.
4. I have not yet received an invite to the sports betting blog.
5. Give Steinbrenner some fucking credit. His team loses a tough game that many probably feel is more a result of some bad luck than actually getting beat and now you're down 0-2. A-Rod has some important ABs and doesn't come through. Jeter and Posada and Matsui are all struggling. The entire team is tight swinging the bat and you got a questionable Rocket on the mound. The attitude for game three isn't where you want it to be. So what do you do? You make the first public speech almost all year. Why?...On a whim?...To throw Torre under the bus? I don't think so. You don't have as much success in all aspects of life as King George without knowing what you're doing. With all this other shit floating around, you've got to get the focus back. Joe can take the heat. He knows whats going on. When you have one of the best coaches ever and a guy the team would do anything for, its where you want the heat to be anyway. If it doesn't work and you lose again in the first round, and you haven't been out of the first round in a while let alone back to the series, and the Sox are doing all the dominating this century, then that's not acceptable in Steinbrenner's world anyway. That's what it means to be a Yankee. It worked brilliantly. Get off his nuts.
6. Frank TV is looking better each day.
7. Bills are going to put together an impressive game tonight, even if we lose.


E said...

Frank Thomas: a microcosm of playoff personalities on TBS. There's only One OCTOBER!!!

Steinbrenner takes it up the tail pipe.

How do you guys think this Frank TV show is gonna work? I will tune into ep 1 to see, but is he just gonna do skit after skit?

Tony Gwynn's tits HAVE to be at least 36 C's.

BobKooler said...

I think gwynn did some sort of juice that made his voice terribly high and gave him massive breasts but made him look less and less athletic?

Steinbrenner takes it so hard, and great pt about Joba...

The Reverend said...

Buster and I were just wondering the same thing about frank tv last night. I mean, all the characters look funny as hell, but if the show is just gonna be SNL style skits, it's gonna suck considering that it revolves around one guy playing a number of characters. I have a hard time seeing this working the more i think about it, although it could be very funny for one short season.

I'm all caught up on weeds now ian, holy hell.

BobKooler said...

On the midday show on WFAN, they do an audio montage before each show...this one was on the yanks and it was sterling audio highlights...

after the damon homer, sterling said, "Positvely DAMONIC!!" I was dying...

BobKooler said...

Revelle, and Jimmy (and fio, but not really)

I am waiting on checks from keeley losch and pugh, that will add 200 to the fund and we will be pretty good, stranko and shalvoy i guess are just not gonna i imagine payments will go out begining-mid next week?

if i here from stranko or shalvoy (which is like .001 percent) i will let everyone know...

sound good?

E said...

yeh heff i couldnt believe that they pitched joba two innings there in a 5 run game. just poor bullpen management (one of joe's only flaws as a manager).

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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Warning Track Power said...

Joba and mariano with a one run lead is a game we should win no matter how many hits we had.

And if Torre gets swept last night, hes gone. You're right, that's a fact. But the bottom line is that is not acceptable to the Boss. That's the way it is.

Goalie is totally different. That would be already firing him to have Mattingly coach the rest of the playoffs.

On a similar note, I have Schottenheimer coach this seaon until the playoffs begin and then I fire him to have someone else take over in the playoffs. He racks up another 13 14 wins and home field and then can't blow it with horrible coaching in the postseason. Crazy but better than their current situation even after their impressive win yesterday.

Warning Track Power said...

Actually scratch that. They still wouldn't be sniffing home field.

Warning Track Power said...

Im gonna need another invite. Send it to

BobKooler said...

Good catch cause I think the pats are gonna go 16-0 cause of spygate and lose in the playoffs cause the refs fix it, throwing a big middle finger back at belichik for being such a fuckin wierdo/dick

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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