Thursday, October 4, 2007

What A Find!

I was about to hop into bed and something told me "no," why don't you start to unpack a little bit and start living like a human being (you know, stop living out of my car like I have been doing for a solid month) I did...

I emptied one of my 15 bags out on the floor and realized it was all dirty...rather than just leaving it there and going to the next one, I decided to put everything in my laundry basket...the first thing I picked up were my baseball slacks from the Championship Series (that we won)...

SO,I hear some change clangin' around and my froogle self says hey, I should grab that...I reach into my pocket...

...and in the middle of the change is about 3 grams of the dryest, dirtiest schwag I have EVER SEEN! Now, when I smoke the dope, its NEVER schwag...the last time I remember token dirt was when I was at Lafayette still...

I havent been blazin' much at all recently...well...except once w earls boy and a couple times w cheddar bob...who by the way...went to get a twen last sundee and came back w like 8 grrs and was trying to just give them away...we were about 1.7 jugs-o-gria deep, but still...)

Anyways, after thinking about this phenomenon for the past 25 mins, or so...I havent got the SLIGHTEST clue where this could have came from...REMARKABLE!

Now I just need to find some1 thats down to burn one (or about 5) up with me...


E said...

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!

E said...

That Jim Mora thing is fucking awesome

BobKooler said...

I know, I do awesome things...On A side boss is such a handy, I need to know what is wrong with its not retardation but its something

Warning Track Power said...

Noel Devine is absurd. I don't even know what else to say.

E said...

hes no cody paul.....coming soon