Friday, October 5, 2007

Gas Station Attendants

I wanted to share this with my "peeps."

So Im getting gas yesterdee and it was obviously a person who wears a towel as a hat, to be politically correct.

First off, he is standing behind my back window, which is up, trying to inquire how much gas im getting. I obviously cant hear him bc my drivers side window is the only one down at this point. So I finally roll down my passenger side window and say "20 of regular." He couldnt comprehend that until about the 12th time I said it. TRY WALKING THE FUCK AROUND YOU LAZY CUNTY!

Secondly, there are no other patrons currently at this gas station. Generally, when that is the case, the attendant will stand there and wait for the 20 dollars to fill and finish the transaction in a timely manner. Not this faggot. He walks 30 yards away and sits down.

So what shouldve taken under 3 minutes, has now taken 10. All I wanted to do was get out and do it myself, but it is forbidden in NJ.

The best part of this entire rant is when this homeless man's fat version of a bearded Aladin walks up to my winda to get my cash, I notice that his black shirt says "Hangin With My Peeps" and below it there are a line of those little gay peeps marshmallowy yellow candies (a la the attached image). It was by far the queerest shirt ever and was 100% purchased at the Thrift Store, not for comedic purposes.

Da Govna


BobKooler said...

It's ironic that gas is sooo cheap in NJ yet so fucking miserable to get.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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E said...

youre from maryland. thats a glorified county, no one gives a shit about that place!

The Reverend said...

peeps have got to be one of the worst, most repulsive sugar/dessert oriented "treats," (a term difficult to apply to peeps) that I can think of. This cannot be overlooked.

The Reverend said...

i just realized that between and the jersey barbs and the exoriations of peeps, reggie is being attacked from all angles here. I can't wait to see how he chooses to defend himself. Maybe he's just gonna curl up into the fetal (or fertile, or cowherd pronounced it) position, a la UVA.

Oh and while we're at it Reggie, try this one on for size you ugly pale red-headed bastard:,23739,22289891-23272,00.html

E said...

i was giddy waiting to see what that link was but it came up as page not found

Kamine said...

ian i got it....its titled redheads set for extinction

The Reverend said...

hmm it's working for me, try this one:

PS I wouldn't be so giddy about reading this if i were you.

E said...

my hair is barely red compared to that ginger fuck

E said...

hahahaha that is epic. where do you possibly find this shit.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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