Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hopefully everyone that submitted picks did well. I don't have any clue how I did. I was so busy this weekend I didn't remember to do NFL picks...I hope that okay. Jim?

Lets get some more stories up there like Warning Track Power's. Well fuckin' done.

I was big time dissapointed by the two sweeps. Yeh the games were good but, the sweeps suck. Less baseball.

I would like to get some music goin on the site. Prolly a section for reccomendations (prolly several representing different kinds). Suggestions welcome.

Keep sending me links of good shit. It's hard to get keep fresh material goin by myself with the hours I got goin' on.

I actually just smoked the wacky tobacky for the first time since startin to work here. It was with this girl that lives in the same apartment thing. She was actually good looking but has a fuckin obnoxious little shit dog. And she is a Philly fan. So. Yeh.

Piece -


BobKooler said...

Jimmy, I was thinking...

How do you feel about posting some weekly features on Blog Sports? Like maybe somone does a weekly collumn on the NFL, and then someone on something else, etc etc..I was thinking 4 total a week (counting the weekly as one of the four?)

Let me know your thoughts.

BobKooler said...

I forgot to mention this and I will obviously repeat myself tmrww.

DOTW and BDOTW nominations. Get them to me tmrww at some point.

All I got right now is the peepin senator from heff.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E said...

Trent Green: Hang em up buddy. If I have to see you motionless on the field again from taking a shot to the skull Im gonna puke. Great effort on the block, but you shouldve just hung em up after you were almost beheaded last year. You arent even remotely good at quarterback anymore either. You have a hot wife, go screw her before you get concussed again and are wearing a bib for the rest of your existence.

Manny Ramirez: Walk-off blast, then ties post-season record for dingers with another BLAST on Sundee (which I called).

Rick Salomon: Not only does he have two published sex tapes with Paris Hilton and Shannon Doherty, he now is married to Pam Anderson. Im going out on a limb, and saying there will be a sex tape available just in time for Christmas (or Chanukah for da Heff).

This one could go either way. Mizzo Head Coach Gary Pinkel, holding a 25 point lead in the 4th quarter, executes a fake field goal to push the score to 41-6 against Nebraska. He has a Big Dick to bettors everywhere and is a Donkey in light of competitive ethics.

E said...

28 pt lead by mizzo my bust

BobKooler said...

nice, thanks for the nominations,

jimmy i am waiting on checks from keeley losch and pugh, that will add 200 to the fun and we will be good, stranko and shalvoy i guess are just not gonna i imagine payments will go out begining of next week?

sound good?

The Reverend said...

I nominated Orestes Destrade as at least an honorary mention for DOTW. This donkey consistently displays an utter lack of baseball knowledge, an inability to stutter fewer than 12 times a minute, and an overall demeanor that makes me want to whip a Wii controller at his televised face. He also made this comment about the bug situation in game 2 of the yanks-injuns series:

"My only comment is ... if only Joba was actually the Star Wars character, "Jabba the Hutt" ... he then would have eaten all those bugs without a problem. Probably, it would have given him the edge!!"

The Reverend said...

bob, why can't those guys pay?... i recall stranko guaranteeing payment a few weeks ago.

The Reverend said...

Seconding ian's BDOTW nomination, manny's walkoff was so well done from all-aspects. We've come to aspect top-notch pimping of dingers from manny, but standing at home plate with both hands raised about 5 seconds too long was high comedy. and then he had this great quote:

"It feels great, man. It's been a long time I don't do something special like that. But I haven't been right all year long. But when you don't feel good and you still get hits, that's when you know you are a bad man."

E said...

that pimp job was vicious. loved every second of it. and there were plenty of seconds to love

BobKooler said...

Dude, Stranko has ignored me for three consecutive weeks and so has Shalvoy (other than a "u whack" when i asked him what was up) if u want to try and contact them I am all for it...but if they wanna be like that I am not gonna look like a loser trying to talk to them...I even wrote stranko several long emails and got no response...
and shavs i will get to u