Thursday, October 4, 2007

Purple Rain

*****NOTE***** I will not bash the TBS crew's effort during this game because their performance spoke for itself.

Just know that for you, my friends, there is a God of blogging because this running blog wouldve trumped yesterdee's.

Lets get a show of hands who thought the Phils would be down 2-0 at home to the Rocks. Yeh, neither did I.

The state of disbelief I am in really accentuates how Ive felt many times over the season. Did I always think this team had the talent to win? Absolutely, look at the roster. Yet did I scratch my head as a baseball "novice" compared to those in charge of these games(who I figured to be more in touch with the game than myself) countless times throughout the year? FUCKYAW!

Then when they seem to be primed for the playoffs, from top to bottom, we revert back to our old ways of poor decisions and pure disillusion of what is going on around us. It was exasperating!

I was in the car driving for the first two dongs by the Rocks and JRolls so when I was parked for the first time I was at peace. I knew that big Frank was not shutting us down. I continued watching through Jimmy's go ahead triple with my 6'7" little brother and his friends and made it home with a twelve pack of Bud Heavs to butt heads with this game alone.

Kyle Kendrick's MO throughout the year has been getting out of jams. Let this be known.

This Rockies squad can swat, its indisputable. You know that coming in. But when you consistently get out of tough situations, including the inning before, the trigger should not be pulled so quickly. In the 4th Kendrick had already battled his way to where he is at and after a SQUIB DRIBBLER by a pinch hitter loads the bases Im not taking him out. Im sorry Im not. He is not pitching great but his effort isnt screaming for a change. Chuck's asshole tightens and goes to Lohse, who has been good out of the pen in the last weekend. Gets the nip to a 1-2 count and is supposed to trow a high heater and throws it to the one spot that the purple gloved former Met jap can do damage. Second guessing begins.

This is still the 4th by the way and we've put 3 tallies on the board tru chree. This game is by no means over. But there is still a new pitcher and we have just lost the lead, youd think we would see some pitches. Nope. Two outs on three pitches. Undisciplined, unprofessional at bats ensue to end a painful inning. Im trying to shake off badgered texts from the Daigo at this point while attempting to decipher if Im watching a Major League team or not. Beers continue to flow.

The hurt doesnt stop because Chuckie hits MICHAEL BOURN for Lohse, thinking he may spark something, and that turns into a quick 1-2-3 inning. Why hit for a pitcher who just found a groove with a guy who cant do anything and follow it with an appearance by the closer formerly known as Jose Mesa? Cant throw strikes and when it does its titted. Can I please control the personnel of this team? PLEASE?!?!?!??? Im about 7 into my 12 sack in an hour at this point.

I dont even want to talk about the 6th because I may vomit. Lets just say, the middle of our pen was a microcosm of what happened throughout the season. Cant get ahead, cant locate, cant make pitches. I was drinking beers at an astonomical rate during the 6th in hope to put myself into a coma that would eventually end with me waking up in the top of the actual 6th inning down 1 with John Taylor on the mound. Thats how bad it was. It was unwatchable.

Howard hits a dong, while im smoking a cig clearly, and thats about it for a while. Then I realize that so much of my confidence in the Phillies relies on the home run. Its insane. I found myself, as a self-proclaimed pretty intelligent baseball mind, thinking like I was in the 4th quarter of a football game trying to get a cover. "Alright if he gets on, steals second, wild pitch, walk, single, dong, and we are right back in it!" Terrible way to think.

Then it happened again, we load the bases in the 8th and Im resting my hopes on a Carlos Ruiz bases clearing double at least. He grounds a 2-1 fastball to short to punish me for my optimistic outlook.

When it comes down to it, we coached our way out of that game. If Kendrick gives up the salami, no actual baseball fan says you shouldve taken him out. Charlie fed into his counterpart's move to take out his young pitcher and went to his weak long relief. Lohse has been good outta the pen, but I honestly dont think he was even envisioning coming in there. He settled after the kamakzi's granny, but, fuck, who cares then.

So many what if's reside in baseball and today was another game full of them.

The Phils back's arent against the wall, they are implanted in the wall. If they win Game 3, Cole HAS to go Game 4 and try to let your fans will you to a win in Game 5.

I ended up roping 10 beers from inning 3 to 9 and will continue drinking throughout this Yankee game with whatever is around this house. I just cant believe that we lost two games at home. I, in no way, think this Rockies team is that much better than the Phils. I dont care about that momentum bullshit, the Phils didnt exactly back into the playoffs. The drunk did a better job of managing his team and their pen has been pretty much lights out (MVP of the series goes to their pen right now). The Portugal native Fuentes tried to make it interesting but we couldnt capatilize.

Lets Go Tribe. Phils need a day off to regroup. Gonna be a stiff mountain to climb. Gotta do it on the field.

I prolly forgot a ton of shit I was bottling up during the game but I got fucked up so it is what it is.

CC is currently dominating. Fuckyaw!

Tryin to Believe,

Daa Govna


BobKooler said...

YO Gov,

I enjoyed that, and u kept it to a manageable length...but good job...I was rootin hard for the Phils today...I really wish Chaz didnt pull, drex and revelle all were sayin that in the comments during the game...

I mean imagine a freakin DBACKS ROCKS LCS, baseball will kill itself...the ratings will be pittiful...I am not saying thats whats gonna happen, just sayin...

E said...

it would pain me to watch it