Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Inviting Some Venting

So now with most of our members not having "their" team in the hunt for the prize anymore I figured I would open a thread for some venting.

Complain about the season, look to next year, whatever...I know I'll have somethin to say about the Mets...

Fuckin' Bills blowin' that game tonite, God Bless.

A couple of links.






E said...

Chuck Manuel, Rod Barajas, Wes Helms, Jose Mesa, Antonio Alfonseca, Clay Condrey were all on my playoff roster.

Warning Track Power said...

I must have experienced 25 of the 20 levels of losing last nite. I don't even know where to begin. How do you not have anyone near the sidelines as the cowboys go from a 60 yard field goal to a 52 yarder with 1 second left. God I can't even talk about it. You guys might not hear from me for a while.

The one positive thing I can take from last nite: Joe Girardi baby. Fuck yeah.

E said...

Thats a downgrade Heff, hate to break it to you.

What a crushing loss for da Bills tho, it was their Super Bowl and they played like it early. Thank God my phone was dead bc I wouldve been texting you all night about how great it was and you couldve blamed that miserable collapse on my jinxing efforts. 6 turnovers and lose, wow, unprecedented. Worst part was, I had to watch it with a faggot Cowboy fan.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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Yimmy of the Tribunal said...

Even though I was perfectly satisfied with a Bill cover, I still feel terrible for them. What a loss. Edwards put up pretty good numbers and seemed to do his job dispite the lack of long passes and points.

Guesses to how long until we here a yay or nay for Joe Torre?

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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Warning Track Power said...

Everyone wants to play it like Joe is the only guy who can manage this team. He had a great run, he did some great things and is one of the best ever but he is not the be all end all. Its a $200 million dollar roster and they haven't done shit in years. I think the manager of the year from last year can have some success. Especially as a product of Torre. Look at all the offspring of Parcells and Walsh in the NFL and how they did. Now if they hire Mattingly Ill shit.

E said...

Torre is gonna be manager of the year this year tho. I dont think hes the only guy for the job, I just think hes the best guy for the job. Dog made a good point yesterday of how even the young guys that came up this year embraced him immediately and the importance of that. I dont know, I just think Steinbrenner is a handy.

BobKooler said...

If you get Girardi it is going to be so interesting to me to see how he does. People got on Torre for overusing arms in the penn...but I think most of the reason Joe G got the boot from Fla. was cause of his overuse of young arms...he totally burnt them out...a la Annibal Sanchez, Scott Olsen, and even possibly Dontrelle?

I am interested to see how that plays out.

BobKooler said...

another thing to watch with the yanks... they could possibly lose torre, posoda, MO, and AROD...obviously all of htem prolly wont go...but...they have to address all of that...wow...

BobKooler said...

And Andy Petite

E said...

and the $25 million man himself. The 2007 Master of Mediocrity CuntY Clemens

E said...

Posada, Mo, and Pettitte are all going to be affected by Torre leaving. They are already pissed (Jorge and Mo particularly) with the way the organization handled Bernie this year. Could be interesting.

Yimmy of the Tribunal said...
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